As the huge Taylor Swift fan that I am, I must find ways to bring her into almost all my creative endeavors, so I decided it could be fun to try my hand at creating some merch for her. I challenged myself to make a design based on whatever song came up first when I shuffled the album, which ended up being her Lana del Rey collab “Snow on the Beach”.
“Snow on the Beach” is a twinkly reverb-y pop song about the moment you realize the person you’re attracted to is also attracted to you.
I thought I would follow the existing “Midnights” branding so I tried to find a similar font to the logo. Since I wanted the text to feature on a t-shirt, I tried to find the best way to stack it. I settled on this diagonal version.
I added some wavy shapes on the top and bottom, symbolizing clouds/mist and the sea. As there was some white space on the sides, I decided to add some falling snow.

I wanted to see if the design could be expanded to a different item, so I tried it on a tote bag. I quite liked the result, but felt like there should be a different design on the other side of the bag, so I referenced a backing vocal that plays at the end of the song, echoing the words “it’s coming down”.
To illustrate the echo-y quality of the song, I repeated the text four times and made it get progressively lighter in color.

Overall, it was an interesting exercise as I had to try to visually represent a song in a way that people could wear while also sticking to already existing branding.