AUNE is an up and coming singer/songwriter and Pop artist from Portugal. Her music is bright and uplifting, with a big focus on mental health and deconstructing the stigmas that surround it. AUNE’s core values seem rooted in kindness, femininity, simplicity and self-acceptance.
With this in mind, I set out to create branding that would express these values and ideas to the listeners, without so much as a note being played.
For her logo, I opted for a simple serif-font for a stylish and feminine, yet understated design. I decided to space out the letters to reflect the airy feel of her music. The “A” also works incredibly well as a logo mark.

Promotional Content
AUNE’s first song, “Dangerous”, came out on September 18th 2020 and I created several promotional images and videos for social media, as well as the digital cover for the single.

To go with the confessional vibes of the song, I picked a secondary font that looks straight out of a typewriter and paired it with a simple sans-serif for the title.
Based on the artist’s photoshoot, I decided on a nude color palette, which I felt also helped illustrate the vulnerability present in the song.

I also filmed and edited a lyric video to accompany the release. The concept of the video was simple: a continuous shot of the artist’s shoulders and neck, with half her face off frame, spanning the entirety of the song, with lyrics playing on top.
The focus on the neck is not only a nod to the promotional photoshoot, keeping the branding consistent, but also brings the expression “sticking your neck out” to life. This, along with the illusion of nakedness, represents the feelings of susceptibility and openness in the song.
Additionally, the lyrics fade in and out on top of the video in a slightly scattered and irregular fashion, much like the thoughts swirling around the song’s narrator’s head.